Blog writing is such a huge part of content creation, but it isn’t always easy. That’s why so many people delegate the job to the professionals instead. Writing is all about capturing the attention of your reader and channeling a message, all while delivering the value your blog needs to deliver to make it worth reading.
Out of the 1.7 billion websites on the internet, 500 million of them are blogs. While it may be important to create as much content as you can, that content must be good enough to stand out from the crowd.
Once you’ve figured out how to write a blog and you’re able to strike the perfect balance between speed and quality, your writing is pretty much guaranteed to be a roaring success.

Why blogs are important to the success of your business
You’ve heard it time and time again, but content can make or break the success of your online presence. One of the best things to be gained from knowing how to write a blog is the chance to humanise your brand and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Whether you’re going solo or blogging on behalf of a large organisation, positing long-form content is a great opportunity to show the world who you are.
As well as injecting personality into your brand, blogging is also the perfect way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. If you’re posting solid, informative content that provides real value to readers, you’re meeting two targets simultaneously. Firstly, you’re delivering advice or information that people will remember, and soon they’ll be coming back for more. Secondly — and perhaps most importantly— you’re showcasing your expertise and building trust with your audience.
Once you start including links from blog to website and establishing your unique selling point, the growth you’ll experience could really surprise you.
How to write a blog quickly and effectively
Anyone can write a blog with speed, but whether it will be a success is another story. There are many factors to consider when it comes to writing – not to mention all of the SEO additions you’ll need to incorporate to boost your readership.
Keep reading to find out how to write a blog quickly, while ensuring it’s engaging, effective and well-written.
1. Planning your blog is important
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. It’s a well-known catchphrase, and one which is very much applicable to the world of blogging. Even if you’ve got a story brewing in your head and you’re desperate to release it onto the page, planning ahead is always the best way forward.
Our top tip for planning is to establish your umbrella concept first, the key topic you’re going to talk about. Once that’s sorted, you can plot out your main points and what you plan to speak about for each of them. It seems like a simple trick, but it’s one many blog writers seem to forget about — very much to their detriment.
It’s also a great idea to make a list of your SEO-friendly keywords before you start writing, and keep them in close proximity. When you’re ‘in the zone’, it will be much easier to tick them off as you go, rather than cramming them in at random later.
Whether it’s a how-to piece, listicle, or a long-form personal story, mapping out each section of your blog before you start will speed up the whole process. It only takes 5 minutes, but it will give you the structure you need to race through your content without getting distracted.
2. Spend time perfecting your title idea
Just like with books, magazines or brochures, the title of your blogs is crucial to their performance. Often the most time-consuming part of all is coming up with a great name for your piece, even if it seems fairly straightforward.
To speed things up, here are a few tips to get things moving.
Firstly, let’s talk about your keyphrase. When it comes to strong SEO performance, your keyphrase is the magic ingredient. No matter what title you end up settling on, your keyphrase should always be included in order to ensure the right readers can find your content.
If you’re really feeling stuck, we recommend playing around with a blog name generator to come up with a title idea. By entering your keywords and a few hints to describe what the blog is about, the title generator will come up with a range of options. Even if the results aren’t quite perfect, it speeds up the thinking process and will give you more time to spend on writing instead.
3. Consistent ideas are key to blogging success
No matter what you’re writing, keeping things consistent is another key to success, but it will also ensure you finish your blog during the time you’ve set aside to do so.
As part of the planning process, you should aim to keep to the point throughout and avoid going off course. It can be easy to get lost in the writing flow, but going off on a tangent is bound to bring your word count up. Subsequently, the process of creating a blog will become a lot more time-consuming than planned.
To avoid this, try stopping after each paragraph and reading over what you’ve written. It seems obvious, but checking in with your train of thought and matching it to your initial plan is a fail-safe method of staying on track. You’ll avoid wandering off into a world of your own and as a result, you won’t have to spend any extra time cutting irrelevant information.
4. Editing is a key part of the blog writing process
When people ask us how to write a blog fast, they don’t always consider the time it takes to edit the end result. Luckily, we’re experts when it comes to combining both parts of the process into one session.
There are two different approaches to editing you can take which can speed up your blog writing process. The first way is to write a super speedy draft, following your plan and quickly spilling the ideas from your head. After that, you can dedicate more time to perfecting your words after writing, structuring the content in an SEO-friendly way that boosts performance.
The alternative route is to edit as you go. It’s tempting to want to put time aside at the end for editing, but you can easily fall into the trap of spending hours chasing unattainable perfection. For some people, it may be more helpful to edit in between paragraphs. Doing this will also allow you to kill two birds with one stone – see ‘consistent ideas are key to blogging success’ above!
So, that’s everything you need to know about writing a great blog fast.
If you’d rather leave the blog writing to the professionals, we’re always happy to help! Get in touch with us today to find out how we could take your blog writing to the next level.
Alternatively, you can check out out more tips on how to write a blog by visiting our website!