We’ve all heard it by now – sharing regular, high-quality content is one of the best ways to build a loyal audience. But have you ever thought about how posting just ONE weekly blog could transform your online business?
At our UK copywriting agency, we’ve seen it happen first hand. That’s why we’re making it our mission to spread the word.
Keep reading to spill the tea!
How a Weekly Blog Could Transform Your Online Business
Demonstrate Your Expertise
Most people who start their own business do it for one of two reasons. They’ve created a product they NEED to share with the world, or they’ve got a service they’re burning to offer. No matter what kind of entrepreneurial operation you’ve got on the go, chances are you’re an expert at what you do.
Since 87% of shoppers begin their buying journeys online, it’s important to show you know what you’re talking about from the get-go.
Sharing a weekly blog is one of the best ways to achieve this significant goal, mainly because it gives you and your brand a chance to show virtual visitors what you’ve got.
Answer the questions they’re dying to resolve, tell them why your business is unique and provide value founded on your own expertise. The result? Customers who trust in your story and your vision.

Boost SEO to Drive Traffic
There’s another BIG reason why so many businesses post weekly blog content – it’s great for your SEO performance. Whether you hammer the same keyphrases each week until you’re ranking #1 on Google, or you target a new keyword every week, the results are always worth it.
To decide on the best topics for your weekly blogs:
- Carry out competitor research – find out what your competitors are posting about and which keywords they’re ranking best for.
- Complete keyword research – use a tool like Moz or UberSuggest to find the most relevant keywords for your product / service AND target audience.
- Write a killer title – check out our guide to the anatomy of an SEO-friendly title for more on this.
- Get writing!
Need more guidance on finding inspiration? Check out our blog for 11 ways to generate new content ideas once you’re ready to get going.
If you’re struggling with this process or don’t have the internal capacity to share a blog every week, why not hire a copywriting agency to get the job done for you? We help hundreds of businesses with blog content every year, so we’re happy to take the weight off your shoulders.

Nurture Your Target Audience
The success of online businesses really boils down to two key factors: knowledge of your target audience and finding the right ways to be seen by them.
Once you’ve established who your target audience is, blogs are a great way to offer limitless value and keep them returning to your site for the content they want to see.
Blogs that nurture your targeted readership could include:
- Case studies – insights on what services / products you offer and how they’ve had a positive impact for your clients or customers.
- FAQs – useful question-and-answer topics that address their pain points and offer effective solutions.
- Fun or interactive content – blogs that play into trends and talking points relevant to your specific niche will nurture an engaged online community.

Elevate Online Presence
While all of these individual benefits of posting a weekly blog are powerful, they all accumulate to one majorly important goal: elevating your online presence.
B2C companies who blog generate 88% more monthly leads than those that do not. 55% of B2B marketers think blogs are the best for moving potential clients through the sales funnel. With these stats in mind, it’s easy to see why this low-cost strategy is so appealing.
Ultimately, the biggest benefit of sharing blogs on your business site is to spread the word and get in front of your target audience, especially without a brick-and-mortar space to fall back on.
Let Us Write Your Weekly Blog For You.
If you want to start sharing more valuable content but don’t know where to start, we’d love to partner with you to make your goals happen. At Inspired Copy, we’ve supported hundreds of businesses with content that’s enticing and captivating, as well as being optimised for maximum SEO performance.
Get in touch with our UK content agency team today to get the pen scrawling.